Aspects of the impact of UFRB in Recôncavo region of Bahia: the case of the city of Cachoeira
Education policies, Social development, CAHL-UFRB, Recôncavo BaianoAbstract
Public universities represent an important reference for understanding the integrated relationship between social policies in education and development. Through teaching, research, and extension activities, universities reaffirm their important role in fostering national sovereignty and driving local and regional development. From this perspective, researching the dynamics established between universities and social life makes it possible to understand the role played and the impact of these intitutions’ actions on the reality of the locality. Therefore, this study results from research into the social implications established in the process of implementing the Center for Arts, Humanities and Letters of the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (CAHL-UFRB) in the city of Cachoeira in the state of Bahia. The research focused on the period between 2006 and 2014 and had the contribution of sixty-eight people, including Cachoeira residents graduated from different courses, teachers and technical staff. The supply of higher education courses and the perception of the degree of interaction between the academic community and the local area were verified. The findings revealed a low participation of Cachoeira residents in the courses offered by CAHL and a low participation of the academic community in matters of public relevance. However, a significant absorption of labor was observed, allowing us to conclude that the courses offered by UFRB contemplate the endogenous potential of the locality.
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