From curiosities and epistemologies illuminated by Paulo Freire




Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge, Critical Theory, Federal Institutes, Paulo Freire


The aim of this article is to consider social and epistemic elements through the lens of Paulo Freire's key arguments, especially those concerning the issues between the culture of technology and emancipatory pedagogy. For this reason, some roles played by Federal Institutes in Brazil are examined, insofar as they are open to transversal pedagogical and social-political perspectives, according to their own guidelines. In parallel to this approach, some theoretical elements of two epistemological thinkers (Thomas Kunh and Gaston Bachelard) are presented, in relation to their contributions to the theory of knowledge and the philosophy of science. The research follows the premise that both “social relations” and “cultural identities” can be fostered through different symmetrical and social approaches within active and liberating epistemologies. These approaches aim to align with Freire’s theory of knowledge that has revolutionized a considerable number of learning criteria in Brazil and worldwide. The methodological approach is, therefore, inductive/qualitative. The central question is whether by adhering to the guidelines of the Federal Institutes of Education, the transversal dynamics of education (which seeks to emancipate the student) enable a permanent dialogue between necessary learning contents and the non-negotiable autonomy students need to achieve their citizenship and culture. The final result of this research attempts to ask – here and increasingly – whether the role of the theory of knowledge can be ambivalent in order to work (unite) both epistemic development and critical thinking. Thus, the text works on some contributions of Paulo Freire's philosophy as a great pillar in student development, showing – elsewhere – that all creation requires, from the student, a little courage and autonomy.


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Author Biography

Diogenes Galdino Morais Silva, Instituto Federal Baiano - Campus Guanambi

Doutor em Educação e Pós-Doutor em Filosofia (UNICAMP/PARIS X). Professor de Filosofia do Instituto Federal Baiano (IFBaiano), Guanambi, Bahia, Brasil.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Diogenes Galdino Morais. From curiosities and epistemologies illuminated by Paulo Freire . Revista Macambira, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 1–19, 2024. DOI: 10.35642/rm.v8i1.1389. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.



Dossier: “Bastards” of our time: reflections on the stigmatization of differences